Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Bermuda Triangle and Antarctica

documentary discovery channel mysteries, The workmanship or exploration of metallurgy is essential to the social structures encompassing every exclusive conviction. They are the most substantial things of the astronomical soup that are potentially attracted to certain Earth Energy Grid areas as we might see. The shamans who assembled shooting star material to mold instruments and weapons and in addition for the utilization of the metals and spirits thereof got to be awesome blue-bloods, as their family or legacy and legends developed. Genghis Khan (Temujin) is from such a family and the greater part of the early privileged people were either skilled (like the House of David and Solomon) themselves or worked intimately with these artisans who we could call chemists, as Mircae Eliade does in his 'The Forge and The Crucible'. At the point when the Spanish touched base in Mayan lands they asked the Aztecs and others where their blades originated from, they additionally found a shooting star at the worshiped pinnacle of the Cholula pyramid. They indicated the sky and the Spanish reports call this agnosticism. When this utilization of metals started is impossible to say.

It requires no awesome verbal confrontation or references of powers to know the verging on extreme import of meteors in the antiquated past when one considers only these two things. The Ka'aba is a dark shooting star in Mecca and there is a custom among the Islamic dedicated who must visit it once in their lifetime. That custom of drawing nearer this holy relic from extremely antiquated times (before Islam) is found out by all of Islam. In Mexico there are pyramids with places of worship on top (now) that used to house shooting stars.

"In 1969, a Japanese experimental campaign was trekking close to the Yamato Mountains, in the area of the Antarctic {Under worldwide domain.} icecap that untruths specifically south of Africa. The Japanese discovered nine dim shooting stars lying near one another on the surface of the ice.

Given shooting stars' shortage, the campaign pioneers accepted that the nine examples they found were sections of a solitary substantial example that had dampened separated in its tumble to the ice. Surprisingly, nonetheless, they soon found that their finds were all of various sorts and synthetic organizations. They were not bits of one rock. They had not in any case framed in the same district of the close planetary system. This was exciting! The joining of nine separate thunders tones at that solitary spot suggested that the ice sheet itself was by one means or another gathering those rarities of nature and clearing them together.

The Japanese mounted more campaigns to the Yamato ice in 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1979, and they were remunerated with a stupendous aggregate of 3,000 shooting stars. Consistently from that point forward, amid the brief Antarctic summer, global endeavors have united on the Japanese rock gardens. Every little shooting star is shot where it falsehoods and after that prodded cautiously into a teflon sack, which is an unbalanced technique when performed with thick gloves and in profound below zero frosty, with the stone skittering on the ice. Once sacked, every example is transported home and concentrated on in a disinfectant research facility, utilizing the same kind of mechanical assembly worked to study Moon rocks. The example is never touched by human hands." (1)

They go ahead to portray the then existing hypothesis of the Big Bang however no notice of how these stones arrive and continue arriving. What may be going on here? Is there an instance of proclivity at work (my reference book has a top to bottom portrayal of partiality)? Is there canny configuration for sure? The Pasadena lab where a great deal of these things are considered is known as the Lunatic Asylum. An individual from my sister-in-law's family works for JPL there, and voyages all around the globe doing things they never become acquainted with about any longer. Is it since she isn't permitted to let them know or is it in light of the fact that the family used to call her thoughts and the things we would discuss 'sheer lunacy'? What happened in the 8 billion years or so between the development of our known universe and the arrangement of our Milky Way included innumerable heavenly bodies? The numbers are incredible to the point that the brain can't imagine what is in simply the known universe, and there are others we put outside the words 'known universe'. Who can accomplish more than love this apparition or blow out of 'luna'- cy (luna=moon)?

"'It looks as though Venus may have had seas a huge number of years prior," says planetologist Jim Head. Assuming this is the case, Venus would have been particularly more like Earth. Its mainlands may have delighted in waterways, streams, puffy white mists, and wonderful climate... Will the human fountain of liquid magma heat Planet Earth until every one of the oceans go dry and lead liquefies in the daylight? Are we as of now on the declining way to Venus?" (2)

The reason the stones are attracted to Mt. Yamato may have something to do with the Earth Energy Grid which has two groups of vitality "blobs" or vortices around the globe. Mt. Yamato would be a site where the inverse vitality may exist. I won't have the capacity to demonstrate it yet I will introduce some intriguing information on any semblance of the Bermuda Triangle from the early research of Ivan Sanderson whose work is proceeded in another extremely late book which I will cover too.

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