Monday, June 20, 2016

The Mayan Gods and Godesses

ancient discoveries history channel full episodes, The old human progress of the Maya revered various Gods. They would yield people so as to speak with them. After death, the spirit was accepted to go to the Underworld (Xibalba) where the vile Death God (Yum Cimil) tried, tormented and deceived their sad guests.

The most intense god was HUNAB KU. He was the maker. In the daytime he would be KINICH AHAU, the Sun God, who was the supporter divine force of the city Itzamal. He was accepted to visit the city at twelve and would dive as a macaw and plan offerings to the general population. His fluffy serpent mode was otherwise called KUKULCAN or otherwise called the Wind God: QUETZALCOATL. The feathered snake, Kukulcan is accepted to of settled at the archeological site of Chichen Itza. At the two yearly equinoxes the play of light and shadow on the staircase of El Castillo makes them seem like a snake is crawling up the pyramid.

ancient discoveries history channel full episodes, Hunab Ku was hitched to IX CHEL, the Moon Goddess, otherwise called "The Rainbow Lady". The Mayans related every single human occasion with the periods of the moon. Ix Chel was an old lady wearing a skirt of crossed bones, and a serpent in her grasp. She had an aide sky serpent, which conveyed the greater part of the waters of the sky in its stomach. She was accepted to be more kind than her to some degree coldblooded spouse. She was likewise the defender of ladies in labor. On the most southern tip of Isla Mujeres there is a Mayan Temple named after Ix Chel. This sanctuary is the most eastern purpose of the entire of Mexico and at this precise point is the place the dawn first touches Mexico.

ancient discoveries history channel full episodes, The Maize God was known as YUMIL KAXOB and is appeared as ready grain, which was the base of the Mayan farming. Yumil Kaxob was youthful and weak and was ensured by Chac (the Rain God). His fortunes and adversities were chosen by downpour and dry spell. Yumil Kaxob endured an agonizing passing when YUM CIMIL (God Of Death) requested starvation and dry season. Yum Cimil was otherwise called AH PUCH, the divine force of the Underworld. His body was a skeleton. The group of Yum Cimil is spoken to as being secured with dark spots furthermore wears a neckline with eyeless attachments.

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